Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Brief Intro to Laos

Well done + *clap clap* Yue Yun for setting up the blog!! :)

Let's make this blog a fun and meaningful one which we will remember fondly of even after our Laos trip...... :)

But is sometime not really fun for you all to take a look:

A brief overall knowledge of Laos, a long read, might be boring for some, but think nonetheless useful to know ;)

If got anything interesting, must post it here wor! :D

Charles aka Liguo

1 comment:

mettaheart said...

Thanks to both Yue Yun & Li Guo!!! For our next Wednesday's session, I have arranged to meet for a sharing session at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA). Some of their Oct YEP team members will be meeting us. To be confirmed